Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Motherhood 123's

I am totally stealing Table of Stone's topic from Kitchen Talk (hope you don't mind)...

1 Sweet Precious Baby Boy
2 hours between feedings during the day
3 hours between feedings at night
4 outfit changes (on a good day)
5 more weeks of restricted duty for mamma
6 minutes before the pacifier falls out and Joshua starts crying
7 missed phone calls on any given day
8 hours of sleep that I miss terribly
9 minutes until feeding time again
10 minutes to myself on the computer


Anonymous said...

You forgot some.....
11 nerves on edge after crying jag
12 Times you check on him after he goes to sleep in 2hr. nap
Eternity.How long it is when you put them down and let them cry it out.
Infinity, How much you love him.


misslissa78 said...

It's not easy for sure but i have faith in you :-) Kisses

Owl of the Desert said...

That's cute! I never thought about how much time and babies are intertwined. Glad you got 10 minutes...I love these posts!