It was morning sickness! I am very thankful to report that I went an entire day (yesterday) with out my B-6 vitamins and my nightly 1/2 a unisom. I have started to get an appetite back. I actually ate breakfast, lunch and dinner! AND NO MORE NAUSEA!!!! HOORAY!
For those of you who have experienced morning sickness (or are currently experiencing) I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about the B-6/unisom combination! It worked very well for me, although, there were some key factors to the regiment for me. I had to be very careful in taking the vitamins at the same time each day (one at breakfast and one at dinner) and the unisom at 9:30pm. (which was about 30 mins. before I would start feeling sick). If I altered my schedule even the slightest bit, I noticed the onset of nausea the next day.
Don't ask me why unisom... I DON'T HAVE A CLUE! I just know it worked! And now, I seem to be over the hump! (You'll get there too, Dani, don't worry!)
The pregnancy has been, for the most part, un-eventful. My sister passed along this neat contraption that allows you to try to listen to the baby's heartbeat. 

It's a little microphone that fits on the stomach and has earphones that hooks to it. I was able to hear my heartbeat, I was able to hear my stomach gurgle, and yes, I even tried it on my cat to see if I could hear his heartbeat (and I did)... I don't think I found the baby's heartbeat though. At least not the way we heard it at the doctors office! It was unmistakable at the doctors office, on this thing at home, it could have been anything (maybe the fluid, rushing all around)... I don't know.
I also braved the "dark side" of pregnancy yesterday... TRYING ON SWIMSUITS!!!! (I can just hear the screams of fright). My sister had passed along her swimsuit from when she was pregnant and it was absolutely adorable... it was also absolutely too small for me... (FYI- it's hard to get hand-me-downs when you are taller and weigh more than both your older siblings). And may I also point out that she was 9 months pregnant when she wore this suit, I am barely 4 months pregnant and I don't fit... she's a petite little thing! So I braved Target and boy was I appalled! Everywhere else in the store you can by swimsuit tops and bottoms separately, but in the maternity section, oh no, you have to buy the top and the bottom together (FYI- I only needed a top as I had already invested in swim shorts for women). So, I ended up in the Women's plus size section! I was able to find a top that fit, and that I am happy with. Although, the lady at the fitting room (who , no offense, most definitely shops in the Plus Size section) gave me the oddest look when I came walking up with a plus size bathing suit top to try on. It's the same look I get when I walk into Layne Bryant to purchase a gift card! Talk about discrimination...
Well, the point is, I now have a complete bathing suit to wear for the family reunion at the beach in a couple of weeks, and I am happy! Now if there were only some way to get my pastey white skin tan without causing cancer, cooking my innerds, or washing off when I get in the pool.... Oh well!

Well, the point is, I now have a complete bathing suit to wear for the family reunion at the beach in a couple of weeks, and I am happy! Now if there were only some way to get my pastey white skin tan without causing cancer, cooking my innerds, or washing off when I get in the pool.... Oh well!
As I said earlier, very uneventful. No odd cravings yet, although there was this candy my grandmother used to have for us when we were little "Charms Sour Balls" that I just can't get out of my head. But, I would actually have to order them online if I wanted any, they just don't sell them anymore in the local stores. I guess you could say that's an odd craving. But it's not like wanting a pickle and peanut butter sandwhich... (KYLE!)
I guess we'll see what week 16 has to bring. And pretty soon, I will be back at the doctor and hopefully find out if we are going to have a Joshua Aaron, or an Elizabeth Gayle... I can hardly wait!
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! When is your next doctor's appointment?
Those names are adorable! I especially like Elizabeth Gayle! Is that a special name passed down in the family or do ya'll just like it? Either way it's very good. :)
Next appt is June 17-
As for the names, Elizabeth Gayle is after someone very special to me, but not a family member and Joshua Aaron is just a nice biblical name combo that Jim and I liked.
I have a sneaking suspicion we're having a boy... I don't know why, but that's what's on my mind... so we'll see!
Have you shopped any at Motherhood for clothes yet? I would recommend it, they have tons of cute stuff (sometimes a little pricy but....) and I also got my bathing suit there around this time last year and I LOVED it! It was the 2 piece kind you were talking about........
I am so glad you are feeling better. What a contridiction in life, This is supposed to be such a wonderful thing and yet you have to begin the experience with morning sickness. Yuck..... Thank you Lord for the B-6/Unisom relief. Hey Kelly can I borrow your little contraption? I've got this noise in the engin of my truck that I can't figure out what it is. Maybe I can pinpoint where its comming from with that. COOL I think you get your pastey White skin from me. Uncle Charlie Brown once told me that the most light my legs ever see is when I open the refrigerator door at night to get a drink of water. As for bathing suits... Mine are tailor made.....The Appostle Paul made mine for me. They also double for a sail for the boat in an emergency. I have been contemplating on this name Elizabeth. I don't know why but I think it fits. I like it. Liza. Lizy. ( KELLY-LIZY ) You know what it really fits. Jimmy-Joshua that fits too but I really have this gut feeling about Lizy. By the way, the sounds you were hearing with the monitor was not stomach gurgle but was lizy talking already. I sware. Boy are You in for it now.
So glad you are over the morning sickness. I love the names ya'll have picked out. They have such a cute sound.
I am SOOO thankful to hear you are feeling much better! I never took Unisom, but I did take Premesis, which is a time-release vitamin B6-B12 (maybe one other B in there?) really didn't make the nausea go away, but I think it may have kept me"yawning in technicolor" to put it nicely. ;) Isn't it great to feel (and eat) like a normal human being again? :)
I like your choice of names, too. One of our girls has Elisabeth - with an S - in her name.
You would have gotten a big kick out of seeing me in my last maternity bathing suit, bought at a local maternity outlet: it was BRIGHT YELLOW, ORANGE and PINK with a FLOWER PATTERN. I bought it because it was the one that fit the best and at the right price. I always get hugely pregnant, anyway, so I'm sure the other moms in our "Fitness for Two" water aerobics class were beside themselves, trying not to laugh when they saw me...
I'm glad your dad posted a comment -- funny funny funny!
Now, back to cleaning...
God bless,
Sis. Lori.
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