What do you get when you mix one part Primitive Baptist with two parts Southern Gentleman, a handful of laughs and a heartful of love? You get the most wonderful dad in the world who has so much love to share that he adopts each and everyone he meets as one of his own... whether it be a borrowed daughter, a borrowed grandchild or sons-in-laws that are just as much his sons as his own best bud (Kyle).
It is common for a person to be "memorialized" after they have passed, and it has occurred to me on numerous occaisions that we should share with our loved ones the memories that mean so much to us while we still have the chance, so I would like to share a few memories of my dad on this day, His Birthday!
First of all, my dad and I seem to have the same "cheesy" sense of humor- you know the kind that only he and I will laugh at some jokes and everyone else in the room rolls there eyes... well I am proud to share that sense of humor with him! Dad, remember the bus driver jokes??? Boy were those cheesy! And boy did we ever laugh! :) Hey dad, What's this?.... The other half of this! HA HA HA HA HA --- oh, good times. And lets not forget our fondness of a good blonde joke! Right dad?
Before Kyle was born, daddy wanted a boy so bad that for Christmas one year he and mom bought me and my sisters the Hot Wheels USA city... this is a pic I found online, but doesn't even do justice to the awesomeness of this toy! We had so much fun with this, but I think daddy had as much if not more fun with us playing with this city!
Dad was one of the few fathers that was actively involved in the girl scout troops that we were a part of. I always remember him being there when we went on camping trips! He was always organizing putting up the tents, and he is THE MASTER PACKER- if you need to figure out how to fit everything in vehicle, plus the whole family... just ask my dad! I also remember him helping my sister's troop build a bridge so that they could bridge from girl scouts to cadettes in a special ceremony. And lets not forget all the Father/Daughter dances!

Dad was one of the few fathers that was actively involved in the girl scout troops that we were a part of. I always remember him being there when we went on camping trips! He was always organizing putting up the tents, and he is THE MASTER PACKER- if you need to figure out how to fit everything in vehicle, plus the whole family... just ask my dad! I also remember him helping my sister's troop build a bridge so that they could bridge from girl scouts to cadettes in a special ceremony. And lets not forget all the Father/Daughter dances!
I can also remember countless nights of sitting on the bed with dad as he tried to practice playing the guitar and me and the girls singing with him... he even let me play the spoons everyonce in a while as an accompanyment. And speaking of music, we used to frequent the North Georgia mountains where I learned about the Dulcimer and one year for the music fair at school, my dad and I built a dulcimer together! How cool is that? (and if I remember correctly we one a blue ribbon)

Please join me in wishing my dad, your borrowed dad, your child's (or future child's) borrowed poppa a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WE LOVE YOU DADDY!
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands.
Good Memories! Happy Birthday Dad! We are looking forward to many more memories!
Love you!
I love these words, I love this post and I love the SMILE on everyone's faces!
Happy Birthday BD. You are so near and dear to my heart!
First let me wipe the tears from my eyes!
Happy Birthday Daddy! You are loved more than words can ever say, by more people than you could ever count!
Kelly this was an excellent post full of amazing memories!
Love, Kimberly
Borrowed Dad is awesome as is this post, and as is hopefully his birthday.
Happy Birthday, Borrowed Dad! Hope it is great!
Happy B-day Borrowed Dad from the CA girl!!
Kelly, I'm trying to keep myself from crying at work right now...that was just beautiful.
That was such a sweet post! That is truly the Borrowed Dad that we know and love!
Happy Birthday BD!
I don't always understand how it is that the Lord is so good to me but I do know that he has showered me with his love. In the truth that he has given us we know that God is love. I also know that he has been inside me directing my ways and watching over me and leading me all the days of my life. I also know that if there be any good in me it is he that dwelleth in me and not me myself. So to all my children and grand children, the Lord has lent you all to me to share his love with you. He has filled me with his love and allowed me to express that love in laughter and deed but the great thing is this has not been all one sided but I have gotten so much more love than I have given away. As I have pondered on this Borrowed Dad thing I can not think of any greater hornor for me than to be loved by so many. Thank You Lord. Now as to my Kelly, I have always enjoyed my children and being with my children. As a registered Girl Scout Dad for many Years I had the opportunity to share such good times with not only my children but many others. I especially remember that we had an annual father daughter canoe trip. There was one little girl that did not have a dad for the canoe trip so with a broken heart I invited her to go with me and my girls and thus began my borrowed dad carrer. The girls did all of the paddling and we went from one side of the Alafia River to the other all the way down the river with me saying paddle on this side no the other side not the other side. We all laugh so hard and ended up in the groweth along the river banks more than in the river. but the reward was the smile on that little girls face and her mother was so thankful that her daughter could go and participate in the canoe trip.
I know that we have blogged about our cheesey humor before but I think for me that is our most fondest memory, and your Birthday card sure reflects that humor. For thoes that didn't get to see it, picture a card with a big and little grill on the front. (I like cooking on the grill) and it says happy birthday dad (on the front) and on the inside it says, From your little Grill. Kelly, you are so funny. That card was just made for me and you.
Just to clear the record...My buying you guys a hot wheel city had nothing to do with me wanting a boy. I was perfectly content with my family just the way it was. Each one of you girls were from time to time my buds. Kimberly loved to work outside in the yard with me and Kerry loved fishing with me and you loved singing and playing guitar with me, so I was quite content, but the Lord was not finished with me so he gave us a son also and that was just icing on the cake. but before Kyle was ever born you girls had not only hot wheels but electric trains and slot car track, boy did I have fun.
You are correct that the greatest joy of my life is to have all my little chick-e-dees gathered up around me, whether it for bowling or a picknic or cook out or celebrating life, that is my joy. And It is more than I deserve to be memorialized because it is purely selfeshness on my part but it is the Lord that is to get the praise. Thank You for the wonderful birthday wishes from all of my children from florida to California and all in between. I Love You All.
aka:Borrowed Dad
aka:Borrowed Poppa
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