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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How Do You Feel About Saturday?

Yesterday marked week 39 of our pregnancy. For those of you who don't know (which I am sure you all do) most doctors consider a baby fully developed at 38 weeks. Some doctors feel like 41 weeks is the maximum length a pregnancy should go, some think 42 weeks is the maximum (depends on whether they are old school or new school).

Our doctor told us at the beginning of the pregnancy that she does not advocate going more than a week past your due date. She said the longer we wait, the larger the baby gets, the less amniotic fluid there is, and the higher rate for fetal distress during labor. So no more than a week past our due date.

We went to see our doctor today and I had it all worked out in my mind. I was going to ask her... no, TELL her, Joshua had to be delivered no later than Monday the 24th. (Our due date is the 17th and the 24th is exactly one week past the due date). I was going to tell her that I did not want to be in the hospital during the holiday, #1)- Because of the skeleton crew and #2)-I figured I would be bitter if I had to work on Thanksgiving, so why wouldn't the hospital staff be bitter too... Who wants to be poked and prodded at by a bitter nurse? :)

Thankfully, I didn't even have to broach the subject with her. She said "If you don't deliver by your due date, I want to induce on the 20th!" I thought "Hooray, our little boy is going to be here next week! My family won't have to miss the church meeting this weekend- (especially since my Brother-in-law is being ordained as deacon)... Brother Buddy won't be mad at me for missing church for no good reason :) it was perfect!" As we were getting ready to leave, I reminded Dr. Schwartz that she had mentioned doing one more ultra sound to see how much Joshua weighs and how much fluid is there and she said "Oh, well since you are here, lets see if they can squeeze you in real quick".

So, we saw the U/S tech and got to see the cutest chubbiest lil cheeks that you ever did see, and the long strands of hair floating in the fluid (apparently, Joshua has a lot of hair)... and we saw that he is weighing on the ultrasound 8lbs 2oz (the tech said there is a 1lb discrepancy, he could be anywhere from 7-2 to 8-2...) Then she said to wait in the waiting room to see Dr. Schwartz. To which I replied, "Oh, we already saw her" and she told us that the Dr. would want to review the u/s and discuss it with us before we left. Ok- that makes sense.

Next thing I remember is hearing our doctor down the hallway squeeling "8-2????" "Um, Kelly, I think we need to rethink our game plan here- If I let you go to next week, there is a possibility that Joshua is going to be pushing 9lbs- I would like for you to come in on Friday evening and we will induce on Saturday"


I was given strict instructions by my sister to have the baby before the 15th or after the 15th, but not on the 15th... she obviously needs to be with her hubby for the ordination, but she did not want to miss her first nephew's birth... I AM SO SORRY KERRY!!!

So, please, be in prayer for me and Jim and Joshua as we near this weekend. The next time I blog (which may not be for a little while) will hopefully be to post pictures of BABY JOSHUA!!!

PS- Bekah, I looked for your email so I could tell you before I posted the blog, but it was nowhere to be found... so I asked Mel to text you for me! :)


misslissa78 said...

I have all of my babysitters lined up and ready for me to pull an all nighter at LRH!! I'm soooooo excited I can't stand myself:-) Puch him out waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out!!!

His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

I'm not mad at you...I'm mad at your Doctor! :-) I mean really, isn't it all about everyone else?!? hee hee! J/K Of course I'm thrilled that Joshua will be here this weekend, that means we will have a whole extra week with him! ;-)

Dani said...

I'm so excited and can't wait! I think we should get text messages saying he's here, even if the rest of us happen to be up at Church. That way as soon as we are done, we can swarm you... you know cause you won't be tired or anything. :D

Anonymous said...

That's really excited. I'll be praying you all.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you and Jim. It sure brings back very happy memories for me. You should ask one of your family to bring a video recorder (just for the waiting room while you are laboring). My sister brought one while I was having Drew, and all of my family and friends made a little speech to me. (except for Julian Cunningham. He sang a ditty and recited poetry) It was fun to watch later to see everyone who was there. I'll always cherish it!
God Bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Mimmy can't wait to hold biggie Joshua and run her fingers through this longy hair -- I bet it is jet black!


Bekah said...

Oh yowza...just ask Mom about 9 lb babies. I swear she didn't like me for a while after I was born! So I'm very glad that you will have Joshua before he gets that big.
Miss Lissa has promised to send me text message updates Friday evening so I can stay in the loop. My email is Seriously; I can barely contain my excitement!!!

Owl of the Desert said...

I'm so excited for you and Jim! We'll be praying for you this weekend. Can't wait to see pictures of the cute fella! Love you guys!

strem said...

I'm praying and will keep praying. I can't wait to hear of your adventures of this coming week... and the weeks thereafter. I'm sending you a big hug and can't wait to see Joshua's chubby little cheeks!

Amy Ellen said...

I know your so excited. I will be praying for a quick and easy delivery for you.

Lydia said...
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Lydia said...

Hey I know this has nothing to do with this post but I wanted to see how your doing and Joshua.