Blogger Layouts

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Like Father Like Son

For those of you who have any doubt in your mind whether Joshua looks just like his daddy, here is a picture of Jim as a baby and a similar pose that we had taken of Joshua. What do you think? Is he the spittin image of his daddy or WHAT?


His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

AWWWWW! How cute! But I don't think there was anyone out there questioning who the "Baby Daddy" is! ;-)

Bekah said...

Yep, he's a dead ringer from Jim, but he'll be Momma's Boy forever.

Anonymous said...

I love how they both have their mouths open the same way. Yeah, there will never be any question!


Dani said...

Wow! Proof that Jim did have hair!

They are definatly father and son!

misslissa78 said...
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misslissa78 said...

How do you not kiss him all day long?!?! Joshua... not Jim :-)

Lori said...

Growing right along! IMHO, Joshua looks more like Jim does now, than Jim's baby picture does! Yep, he's definitely not the milkman's...

Sis. Lori and company
[who will blog again, one of these days]

Lydia said...

Well, from me he looks alot like you and Jim.