Blogger Layouts

Monday, May 3, 2010

Quality Time

Joshua and Jim have been spending some great quality time together in the early evenings. One of Joshua's favorite things to do with his dad is to go outside and walk all the way around the house: checking the plants, the trees, finding sticks beating on misc. items with said stick... he also likes to walk over to his grandma and grandpa's house and see if Buddy is hanging out in the porch.

He also likes sweeping the back porch for dad...

But of all the things he likes outside, the very most FAVORITE thing right now is the lawn mower (or as he says "mow mower") Kerry donated Brady's old lawn mower, which has been a big hit, but he really does prefer the real thing.


Dani said...

I love how Jim's already got him "choring," I'm sure you will have no problems with the grass growing on that concrete with that helpful little man.

His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

hee hee! He's so cute with his "mow mowers" And I love how he knows just how to get to Grandma and Grandpa's house!

Anonymous said...

Dear Joshie:

I would like to please hire you to come mow my grass. I will pay you with gold fishes and doggies. Please call me.

Uncle Phil

Kelly Spezzano said...

Dani- I think it's about time to introduce him to some indoor chores too. What do you think?

Kerry- He certainly does know EXACTLY how to get to G-ma and G-pa's house.

Uncle Phil (aka Mimmy)- when would you like him to start and please don't pay him in real doggies... I will sneeze and sneeze and sneeze!