Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

House Cleaning Is Not My Forte!

Do you think that if Adam had not sinned, that Eve would have had to clean the Garden of Eden?

I absolutely loathe house cleaning! I clean, it gets messy again, I clean again, and once again it gets messy. I try to keep things picked up, but dust still accumalates, cats still shed fur, and toilets... well, don't even get me started on the water rings!

I know that the Lord blessed me with a house. I should be thankful that I have a house to clean... but I still struggle. What is wrong with me?

Today, I was at the grocery store with my mother-in-law, and I came across a book (in the deli section...what's that about?) that was titled "Grab a broom, Lord, there's dust everywhere" Scanning through it, I realized that it was not a book about women who don't like to clean, but instead, over-acheiving women that juggle career, family and household and obsess over not being able to tackle everything...

Needless to say, DOESN'T APPLY TO ME! I seem to have all the time in the world (outside of my 15 hour work week) and yet, I struggle. I have tried a schedule, but I don't have the conviction to stick to it... I really need help from the Lord on this one!

I know I am not alone in feeling this way, I have a good friend that says she struggles with the same thing. But, I wish I could overcome it. Please pray for me, that the Lord will give me a heart to clean! :)


Dani said...

It could be worse you could have a situation where "dust still accumalates, cats still shed fur, and toilets" AND Gary B. haha.

On the other hand, you are down to a 15 hour work week? When did this happen?

Kelly Spezzano said...

Ha Ha, that's've definitely got me in that category! LOL

As for the work week. I mis-calculated... I am working about 16hours. The job with the other realtor stopped back when I had the flu. Something happened to him that made him decide to de-activate his real estate license. I told him that was better for me anyways, as I was not sure if I would be working any longer myself (back before we talked to Bro. Buddy). It's actually better this way, I do have more time to devote to "trying" to keep the house clean. And more time for Blogging, too:)

Brittany said...

oh girl, I LOVE cleaning! Of course- it could be because I do it when I'm putting off studying.

strem said...

I'll be praying for you, but I need your prayers about this too. Hopefully, I'll have a few more hours to devote to these tasks after next weekend when I end the second job, but I feel I need many more hours. Maybe it has to do with that procrastination...

Owl of the Desert said...

I'm with ya. I think of cleaning in terms of which task I disklike the least. Which would be vacuuming. Dusting is my least favorite.

Looks like we all need to pray for each other. ;-)